I absolutely enjoyed this book. It was quite different from my usual academic or psychological thriller, but definitely well worth it.

Circe begins at the start of a story that carrys you across thousands of years. Miller prose is poetic and extraordinarily imaginative. Her ability to bring immortal beings to life yet sparked with mortal sassiness is intriguing.
Circe’s father, Helios, a God who lives in a palace of stone floors ”polished obsidian” smoothed by centuries of divine feet, ” by his royal court is just beyond the edge of physical possibility. The whole world is made of gold and precious stones. She describes the light….”it came from everywhere at once, his yellow skin, his lambent eyes, the bronze flashing of his hair. His flesh was hot as a brazier, and I pressed as close as he would let me, like a lizard to noonday rocks.”
Miller maintains the constraints of the “The Odyssey” and other ancient myths, but finds plenty of room to weave her own surprising story of a passionate young woman banished to a Island of lavish solitude who discovers her worth, love, and, eventually, the power of witch.
The novel is filled with perils and romance. Miller’s successful recounting of far-off adventures such as the horror of Minotaur as well as reenacting the adventures on the island are unnerving. The encounter of a young Medea who stops by the island of Acacia fresh from chopping up her brother. Who is chastened by bitter experience, Circe offers her niece wise counsel, but you know how well that turns out.
It ‘s an epic novel with twist and turns that will keep you at the edge of your seat.
Great novel. Let me know if you read it. I really enjoyed it.