Exercise is one of the Best Ways to Reduce Stress

Health and Wellness,Holistic Remedies

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, anxious, or like things are out of control? Many people experience chronic stress due to information overload (e.g., Social Media), work-life balance, and family responsibilities which can leave you feeling fatigued, short of breath, causing sweaty palms and digestive issues. And over time, stress may lead to depression, headaches, and other physical tension.

You are Not Alone

In today’s environment, you may feel like there is no escape, and you are not alone. Millions of people share these feelings. Stress, on its own, when contained, can be motivating. Psychologist call this state “optimal stress.” Or when an emergency comes up unexpectedly, you may feel sudden stress to rise to the occasion and handle the possible threat. This is very normal.

Chronic Stress is the Problem

Often, daily stresses of life can pile up and spiral out of control, leading to chronic emotional and physical arousal. When bills are overdue, the mortgage is late, work projects are due, kids need braces, or major events like divorce or death, loss of a job, or elderly care can be triggers for emotional overload. If the situation remains unchanged, psychologists refer to this type of stress as “hyperstress”.

Excess Stress Symptoms

Constant stress can activate the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares for us for physical activity and or survival. I’m sure you are familiar with – flight or fight – when we encounter a threat your body releases cortisol, a primary stress hormone. Releasing cortisol is normal. It’s the bodies way of regulating energy and storing fat. But, chronically elevated cortisol can be unhealthy and lead to sleep disruptions, food craving, increased appetite, and obesity.

Also, for people who are trapped in repetitive jobs and don’t feel challenged or valued, for example, can have another type of stress. Psychologists refer to this type of pressure as “Hypostress.”

Stress is a part of life, but the trick is to find effective ways to manage and control how you respond to it.

Is Exercise an effective Coping Strategy?

The medical community says yes. Exercise is beneficial in helping prevent and overcoming the symptoms of stress. Vigorous exercise keeps the mind busy and causes cortisol level to drop significantly, reduce anxiety and sleeplessness.

Three Things You Can Do To Manage Stress

  • Breath. According to the America College of Sports Medicine, exercise that includes attention to breathing like yoga, tai chi, and Pilates helps relieve stress symptoms. Breathing helps slow respiration and heart rate.
  • Go Cardio. 45 – 60 minutes of cardio can be mood enhancing based on a 2008 study conducted on office workers. So when facing a challenging day get a workout in.
  • Go Outside. According to a 2011 study published by Environmental Science and Technology found that exercising outside is more effective than working out in a gym. So go out for a power walk.

I hope this article helps. Drop me a line if try any of the above remedies.

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Dr. Darlene Thomas

Darlene Thomas

PhD., MS., MCHC, AFPA and as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBHWC)



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