Did you know Reading improves your Cognitive Functions?

Health and Wellness

In the world of social media audible books are all the rave, but did you know reading significantly improves your memory and cognitive functions. Of course, you can take supplements or invest in a language class, do puzzles, or exercise a few times a week. There are countless methods for improving memory and cognitive functions, but the cheapest and easiest way to sharpen your brain is to read.

What Does Current Research Say?

According to current research, the area associated with language reception is the left temporal cortex. Processing written material from letters, to words, to sentences, to the complete story snaps your neurons into action as they start transmitting information. The very nature of reading encourages your brain to work harder and better. And the benefits continue long after you put the book down.

Ok, you say, that’s hardly rocket science, but did you know that the language part of the brain gets a workout when it reads? Yes, a workout! Reading energizes the region of the brain that is responsible for motor activity. The brain is extremely good at role-playing. For example, if you’re reading about a physical activity such as jogging, the neurons that control that activity get busy working. You may not be actually jogging but when you’re reading about jogging, you brain acts as if it is jogging.

And according to current research the more parts of your brain that gets a workout, the better it is for your overall cognitive performance. That being said, not all reading is created equal. Literary reading in particular gives the brain a better workout as opposed to the more leisurely reading. So I encourage you to read as often as you can.


Even if you are a poor reader, or have dyslexia, a book can fix this too. The brain has the ability to rewire itself in ways that benefit the entire brain, not just the reading-entric temporal cortex. This is why your mind needs to read every single day. So let’s get reading. Don’t know what to read? Check out “What We’re Reading” post

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts. And feel free to recommend books. I enjoy reading.

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Dr. Darlene Thomas

Darlene Thomas

PhD., MS., MCHC, AFPA and as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBHWC)



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